Sunday 3 August 2008


some unfamiliar words for the two weeks : stereotype critics representation reinforce feminity prevalent masculinity coverage construct portrayal potential approval demonstrate adoration buffoon diploma duration obligatory candidate opt portfolio eligible distinction dissertation supervision moderate odd lavatory docorate permanent temporary plaster bardage deliberate.

Now,I have remebered them.

some vocabulary about fighting crime with science:
DNA profiling, Biometrics and facial recognition,Police databases, Footprints, CCTV and number plate recognition,Electronic tagging.

some words and phrases about crime
crime motive
crime of corruption
crime of defamation
crime of embezzlement of state property
crime problem
crime rate
crime scence
criminal abortion
criminal activities
criminal gang
criminal group
criminal intent
criminal law
criminal object
criminal offender

1.accomplice : Any person who takes part in a crime. business district : A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.

3.agricrime : Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment.“agricultural crime”

4.armed robbery :The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party.

5.arrest warrant :A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime.

6.arson : The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire.

7.assassin : A murderer. A person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person.

8.assault : The act of attempting or threatening to harm another person.

9.attack dog : A canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc.

11.bail : Money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant while awaiting trial.

12.ballistics : The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets.

13.blackmail : The act of threatening to reveal personal information, esp. sexual scandals, in order to extract money. market : A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged.

15.blood money : Money that is paid as retribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc.

16.body bag : A heavy-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse.

17.bomb squad : A team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate bombs.

18.bootlegging : The illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc.

19.break-in : It looks like you are the victim of a break-in.
20.bribery : The act of offering, giving, or taking bribes.

21.bucket shop : (Also called “telephone boiler room.”) An office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing.

22.bug : To use electronic listening devices to listen in on the conversations of others.

23.bum rap : Steve served six months jail time on a bum rap.

24.burglary : The act of breaking into a home, building, etc. with the intent to steal from it. bangers : Thieves who steal form automobiles. criminal : A person who makes a living from crime.

27.child abuse : The physical and verbal mistreatment of children.

28.chop shop : A shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts.

29.cocaine : A powerful stimulant drug. cleaner : A person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial credit information of others.

31.con artist : A person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes.

32.con game : Any fraudulent scheme

33.convict : A person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison.

34.counterfeit : To illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc. fraud : The attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment.

36.crime of passion : Murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover; Murder committed in the heat of rage.

37.Crime rate : The number of reported crimes per specified number of the population.

38.criminal : A person who has violated a criminal law. rape :A rape that is committed by a woman’s date.

40.deadly weapon : Any object, or instrument that is capable of being used to kill.

41.death penalty :Punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner.

42.death row : A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution.

43.defendant : A person who has been charged with a crime

44.domestic violence : Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating.

45.drug abuse : The excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging one’s health.

46.drug king (czar) : The person who controls the production, transportation and selling of drug in an area.

47.drunk driving :Driving while under the influence of alcohol.

48.edp crimes : Electronic data-processing crime; criminal offenses committed using computer technology.

49.embezzlement : The illegal misappropriation of funds entrusted to one’s care.

50.first-degree murder : Premeditated murder.

51.forensic medicine : The use of medicine in solving legal problems.

52.forgery :The act of creating a document, either written or printed, with the intent to defraud. Forgery also covers counterfeiting, or producing fake signatures, works of art, etc.

53. gamble : To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc.

54.gang : A group of people organized to achieve some common goal. Gangs are often involved in drugs, violence, money lending, prostitution, etc.

55.hijack :To seize control of an airplane, boat, automobile, etc.

56.hit-and-run :An automobile accident in which the driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself. The term “hit-and-run” may also be applied to such a driver.

57.hold-up : The act of robbing someone at gunpoint.

58.homcide : The act of killing someone. wire :To electrically start a vehicle without using an ignition key.

60.impulse crime : Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. that are done on an impulse.

61.juvenile delinquency :Criminal behavior by adolescents and children.

62.labor racketeering :Corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor.

63.larceny :The stealing of another person’s property.

64.libel : Written defamation.

65.Mafia : A secret society that originated in Italy in the 1860’s. The Mafia now widespread, and is focused on power and profit.

66.mail fraud : The using of the mail system to defraud the public.

67.manhunt : An organized search to catch a criminal or an escapee.

68.mass murderer : A murderer who kills many people. laundering : The act of concealing the source of funds for the purpose of tax evasion and fraud.

70.mule : A person used to transport drugs or contraband from one place to another.

71.organized crime : A term used to describe underworld societies such as the Mafia who deal in crimes such as gambling, narcotics, and prostitution.

72.parole : A conditional release of an offender from confinement before the expiration of his or her sentence. The offender is usually placed under the guidance of a parole officer.

73.penitentiary : Lee is serving his sentence down at the penitentiary.

74.perjury : The crime of willingly giving false information while under oath.

75.pickpocket : A thief who is skilled in stealing items from other people’s pockets.

76.pilice brutality : The act of using excessive physical force by police or other law enforcement officers.

77.police corruption : The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain.

78.pornoshop :A shop or bookstore that sells pornographic materials.

79.prison break : An escape from prison involving violence by one or more prisoners. crime :Auto theft, burglary, larceny, etc.

81.serial killer :A murder who commits a series of killings, usually with distinct similarities in the murders.

82.sin tax :Tax that is imposed on cigarettes, liquor, gambling, etc.

83.skid row :A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street.

84.slush fund :Money that is used to bribe public politicians and other influential officials

85.statutory rape :Sexual intercourse with a female who has consented, but who is legally incapable of consent because she is underage.

86.suicide pact :An agreement between two or more persons to commit suicide together.

87.suicide season :The Christmas season when many lonely people feel isolated and take their own lives. evasion :The illegal attempt by a taxpayer to avoid paying his or her taxes.

89.vandalism :The defacement or destruction of public or private property.

90.vice squad :Plain clothes policeman who work undercover to detect crime.

91.vigilante :A person or group who takes the responsibility of a law enforcement officer into their won hands.

92.war crime :Crimes that violate the customs and laws of war.

93.white-collar crime :Crimes committed by persons in businesses including expense-account padding, stealing office supplies, price-fixing, product fraud, etc.


Steve said...

Excellent work. I would suggest that instead of writing the English definitions (you have the CHinese ones ), write a small example sentence instead.

Li Yi said...

Ok,I modified them