Tuesday 5 August 2008

Introduction 1

I failed on introduction 1,Steve said "it is a mini-essay." I feel very bad, so I decide to rewrite it.

"We live in a world in which we are dangerously influenced by media images. "To what extent do you agree with this statement.

It is generally agreed that our daily life is influenced in many areas by the media.The media means of mass communication, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television or broadcasting media .Television is the most powerful medium of all, and influence on our life .

There are many kinds of programmes on TV, such as news,sports,entertainment, cooking, soap operas, documentaries, science and education.Most people spend free time in front of the TV alone or with family members , has become a habit .People should keep a critical yet unbiased eye on the advantages and disadvantages that the television have brought and are going to bring to us .It enrich our life and bring some negative effects at the same time.

Undoubtedly,excessive viewing of television has also been linked to aggressive behaviour, violence, pornographic. Especially, it's harmful to children's Mental Health . According to J. Van Evra, author of Television and Child Development, young children are particularly vulnerable to the influence of commercial advertising.

In this essay, I would like to explain what the media is and then weigh the pros and cons of the influence of television.

1 comment:

Steve said...

This is better. Good to see a better citation. One thing I would change though. Rather than write: "In this essay, I have to explain..." maybe you could write "In this essay, I WOULD LIKE TO begin by defining the media and then weigh the pros and cons of the influence of television.