Thursday 7 August 2008

exercise on class

It is mistaken to think that children don't need t learn basic arithmetic.If teachers do not give this skills to their students.[what will happen?][why this is bad?]

My written

Children will lose the skills ,how to do arithmetic.Arithmetic should not be insteaded by pocket calculators. Especially for children,they need to learn more basic skills to exploit IQ.In our daily life,we just pay for a coffee,then you bring calculator out to count how many coins should give change.How funny is it!

Teacher's written

They won't be able to deal with the daily business of their lives such as working out discount prices,and checking their change.This could result in these students being cheated out of money.As a result of this, students might feel less confident.This form of mathematical thinking is also extremely important for general development of IQ.

In spite of the same meaning .My expression is not as clear and comprehensive as the Teacher's written .

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