Thursday 7 August 2008

Read newspaper and watch TV

When I go to school by tube everyday, I find many people read newspaper. I think it is a good habit. At first, I didn't know I could make free with it .Now ,I will read newspaper on my seat .Recently ,you know,2008 Olympic Games will hold in China. I am concerned about that.On today's news, one report is "we 're so proud of our Tibet protest daughter" Two free Tibet campaigners from Britain were n custody last night after unfurling a Tibetan flag and banner outside the Olympic stadium in Beijing.

I just want to say,Tibat is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.At last ,I wish 2008 Olympic Games will come to a complete success.

When I come back to home ,I watch BBC 1 and ITV 1 London. This will improve my listening and correct my pronunciation.

My Grammar is good,I won't spend too much time on it.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Could you explain these views a bit more. Why is Tibet an inalienable part of Chinese territory? I'm interested to have the Chinese perspective on this matter.