Monday 4 August 2008

Feedback of seminar 2

I think the second time is better than the seminar 1. I did enough on reasearching informations about CCTV, DNA databases, and biometrics .I read Steve's link seriously. I spoke for a part of time during the seminar, and gave my groupers a new technology. However, in the most time ,I was listenning to other people,because there were two people , who were good at speaking in our group . Although it was hard to interrupt them, I tried my best to speak more. Give everyone a chance to express their thoughts, so I 'd like to be a good listener. I could argue my opinion clearly.I gave an example of CCTV and IT techonolgy. In these two seminars ,I was adept at helping keep the discussion moving in the right direction,and renminded the time to go on the next question.I think my pronunciation is OK, groupers can understand clearly, but I can improve it better.That's all.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I agree, I think you were very effective.