Friday 25 July 2008

semina 1 learning

There are three parts in these semina,I choose the questions which are important and arecontroversial.
as follows:

Part 1 : Television viewing habits around the world

1.In this semina, I learnt televison viewing habits in different countries.

France,Iraq,Thailand and China.most people in these countries spend three to six hours on TV.About 60% people in Irap and Thailand stay at home ,not go to work,so they spend more time on TV.It is diffenrt from China and France.

2.The kinds of programmes people watch

For examples: soap opera , a current affairs , sports, news, a nature programmes, a game show, documentary, science and educational programmes ,music programmes, a series of stories.

Part 2 Television images

1.the disscusion on whether reality TV show reality.

three people think it is reality,and the other two don't think so.In my opinion, some reality TV show are not reality.Because it supported by sponsors,who want to make someone win,so they maybe control something. If the government participate in ,we won't have the power of decision. But some of my classmates don't understand the meaning of TV show,they just talk about the reality on TV,not reality TV show, so we have some differneces.

2.Can they influece the we think and behave.

We have the same opinion .Whether we want to be thin,to buy products or to commit violence is depends on our mind,not TV images. We are not children ,so we can analyze and judge them whether is effective like that ,especially for advertisements.

Part 3:The future for televison and televison viewers

1.The hot issue is " should it be taught in schools?"
At the beginning,half people in my grouper were disagree .They thought it should not.During a hot debate , they accepted our viewpoint.


It's necessary taht media literacy should be taugt in schools.The need to increase media competence and understanding among young people has never been greater. Not only is the amount of information vast, the way information is presented is changing constantly. If children are to understand the world in which they live, it is essential that they are able to think critically about what they see and hear.All children develop differently. When viewing television, different children extract varied meanings based on background, culture and maturity. At each of these individual stages, children’s understanding of what they watch, hear, see or compute will change along with their physical, emotional and developmental characteristics. Most parents don't have enough time to teach their children,so school will assume the duties.

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