Wednesday 23 July 2008

Reading at home


Media literacy
In today’s multi-media society, media competence is increasingly important. A media literate society knows where to find the information it needs and how to identify the economic, political, social, commercial and cultural interests that generated it. This section of the site defines media literacy and its key principles and lists other useful sources of information.
"to appraise critically, and assess the relative value of, information from different sources, and
gain competencies in understanding the construction, forms, strengths and limitations of screen based content”

Every children develops differently.

  1. infants
  2. toddlers
  3. Pre-schoolers
  4. Primary school children
  5. Adolescents

At each of these individual stages, children’s understanding of what they watch, hear, see or compute will change .

children must be able to interpret critically;

“Perhaps the most important characteristic of critical viewing is the ability to think critically about viewing .

my thoughts:research the reason why children likes or dislikes a programme, distinguish between real life and what one watch on TV.

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