Wednesday 30 July 2008

Introduce myself

Hello everyone,
I come from China. I 'm 22 years old. My character is introversion, active, adaptable, aggressive , considerate, cooperative , frank , friendly .

I just graduated from Dongbei University Of Finace and Economics on June 27. My previous study are economic journalism and accouting.I have two degrees.In China, I participated in the art competition ,such as singing and a speech, and won the honor.

Now I came to London Metropolitan University for MA management.Because I will go back to do business or enter politics. I think management plays an important role in every walk of life.
I will study hard and then to be a successful people.

I love the weather here ,not too hot in summer and not too cold in winter. The people are very friendly and courteous.There are many kinds of food .I have been there for two weeks,and I adapt quickly to the new environment.I hope I am going to have a marvelous time in London.

Monday 28 July 2008

answer Steve's questions

-Which of the grammar points you have problems with are more important for a) writing b) speaking c) both?

I think speaking is worse than writing.

-Do you think that doing lots and lots of grammar exercises is the best way to improve your grammar?

Yes, I think so.Some classes were given by the older teacher. It was effective for me.

-Can you think of any other activities that you could do without having to pick up a grammar book?

To read newspaper,see flims,watch tv,have a look at magazines.I should pay more attention on words and sentences in the daily life .

-How do you think you've learnt the grammar you already know well?

During the grammar texts and exercises, then I will know which part is already,and which part doesn't know well.

-Can you find some online exercises to help you with your grammar weaknesses. Please put a link to anything you find, then do the exercise, and paste into your blog any sentences/phrases you got wrong or would like to remember.

Homework Date7.29 Page 18

Writing: stating common beliefs on the subject.

0.'The death penalty should be used to deal with muderers.' To what exten do you agree with this sttement?

some people consider that....(the law should restrict humanity)

1.'The police should take a tougher stance on dealing with youth crime.'

It is generally agreed that...(juveniles commit crimes can be effective controlled during good education.)

2.Fast food should be banned in all school canteens.

A common viewpoint is that...(fast food is unhealthy for students.)

3.University education should be free for all

It is widely believed that...(higher education fees are too expensive for most people.)

Friday 25 July 2008

semina 1 learning

There are three parts in these semina,I choose the questions which are important and arecontroversial.
as follows:

Part 1 : Television viewing habits around the world

1.In this semina, I learnt televison viewing habits in different countries.

France,Iraq,Thailand and China.most people in these countries spend three to six hours on TV.About 60% people in Irap and Thailand stay at home ,not go to work,so they spend more time on TV.It is diffenrt from China and France.

2.The kinds of programmes people watch

For examples: soap opera , a current affairs , sports, news, a nature programmes, a game show, documentary, science and educational programmes ,music programmes, a series of stories.

Part 2 Television images

1.the disscusion on whether reality TV show reality.

three people think it is reality,and the other two don't think so.In my opinion, some reality TV show are not reality.Because it supported by sponsors,who want to make someone win,so they maybe control something. If the government participate in ,we won't have the power of decision. But some of my classmates don't understand the meaning of TV show,they just talk about the reality on TV,not reality TV show, so we have some differneces.

2.Can they influece the we think and behave.

We have the same opinion .Whether we want to be thin,to buy products or to commit violence is depends on our mind,not TV images. We are not children ,so we can analyze and judge them whether is effective like that ,especially for advertisements.

Part 3:The future for televison and televison viewers

1.The hot issue is " should it be taught in schools?"
At the beginning,half people in my grouper were disagree .They thought it should not.During a hot debate , they accepted our viewpoint.


It's necessary taht media literacy should be taugt in schools.The need to increase media competence and understanding among young people has never been greater. Not only is the amount of information vast, the way information is presented is changing constantly. If children are to understand the world in which they live, it is essential that they are able to think critically about what they see and hear.All children develop differently. When viewing television, different children extract varied meanings based on background, culture and maturity. At each of these individual stages, children’s understanding of what they watch, hear, see or compute will change along with their physical, emotional and developmental characteristics. Most parents don't have enough time to teach their children,so school will assume the duties.

preparation for seminar 1

Television viewing habits around the world

1.How much TV people watch?

About 100 TV .some of them are free ,others are need to pay. In China ,if you want to add channels ,it is very cheap, which is 25 yuan per month.

2.The kinds of programmes people watch

For examples: soap opera , a current affairs , sports, news, a nature programmes, a game show, documentary, science and educational programmes ,music programmes, a series of stories.

3.How television viewing habits changed in the last 20 years

the types of programmes are simple and boring. people waited in front of television for those several programmes. it only took only a few hours .with the development of media,different kinds of types are pouring out.people have more choices to choose attractive programmes. a of people who like to sit on sofa with crisp change more fat. In the current critical climate,people aren't just watching TV, they also make any commentary on media .

4.The positive/negative effects that these television viewing habits may have on our lives.

f.g news media

Recently the negative impacts of the news media have aroused some people’s concern. On one hand, some people contend that the news media are distorting people’s real thought, and impose unrealistic descriptions on people’s minds. In other words, the over-commercialized news media tend to provide people with false or exaggerated stories. On the other hand, still others believe that news media sometimes have an unsatisfying occupational discipline and undesirable professional morality. The editors of newspapers and TV stations sometimes even invent false stories to attract more attention and audience, regardless what the real situation is. That is the simple reason why millions of people are losing their faith in news media.

However, if we take a close look at the functions of news media more objectively, we can easily find out its advantages. First and foremost, with the popularization of the news media, we are able to acquire first-hand knowledge and information on what is happening all over the world. I believe that the majority of the journalists and reporters are professionally well-trained, therefore can perform their duties with justice. In addition, news media can play the role of an educator. Not only could people get to know all the details from the news reportage, which will indirectly enrich viewers’ social and life experience, but more importantly, most news media also have colourful educational columns, which will enable viewers to receive education in specialized fields.

In my view, although news media are never without their demerits such as cheating information, overstatement of product’s functions and so on, it is still a driving force of modern civilization. Their demerits can be removed step by step when some feasible measures are adopted. If we take an objective view of the news media, we can easily recognize that it is not only informative but also educational.

Television images

1. How real are the images we see on TV?Does reality TV show reality? Who controls the images we see on TV?Can they influence the way we think and behave,for example making us want to be thin,to buy products or commit violence?

It's hard to say how real it is.I think reality TV show doesn't reality.Because it supported by sponsors,they want to make someone win,so they maybe control something.If the government participate in ,we won't have the power of decision.

Nothing has received more praise and abuse than the news media. The 21st century has witnessed the development of mass media, from the popularity of the newspaper to the prosperity of the Internet.
prevailing is the news media that nobody can avoid being influenced by it. When it comes to the functions of the news media, people hold divergent views. In this essay, I will analyze the functions of the news media and then present my personal viewpoint.sometimes when some advertisements are shown,we should judge them whether is effective like that .

2. Do you think that television images reinforce or challenge stereotypes? in your group,try to list any stereotypes which you think are common on TV and any specific examples of each from programmes you know.Can stereotypes on TV be avoided?

Media stereotypes are inevitable, especially in the advertising, entertainment and news industries, which need as wide an audience as possible to quickly understand information. Stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of people—usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation.

But stereotypes can be problematic. They can:

reduce a wide range of differences in people to simplistic categorizations

transform assumptions about particular groups of people into "realities"

be used to justify the position of those in power

perpetuate social prejudice and inequality

the future for television and television viewers

1.How important is media literacy?Should it be taught in schools?

In today’s multi-media society, media competence is increasingly important. A media literate society knows where to find the information it needs and how to identify the economic, political, social, commercial and cultural interests that generated it. This section of the site defines media literacy and its key principles and lists other useful sources of information.

Yes, it should be taught in schools.
The need to increase media competence and understanding among young people has never been greater. Not only is the amount of information vast, the way information is presented is changing constantly. If children are to understand the world in which they live, it is essential that they are able to think critically about what they see and hear.
All children develop differently. When viewing television, different children extract varied meanings based on background, culture and maturity.
At each of these individual stages, children’s understanding of what they watch, hear, see or compute will change along with their physical, emotional and developmental characteristics.
so it should be taught in school.

2. What should the main purpose of TV be?To entertain?To inform? To educate? To sell?To show reality?or to help people escape reality?

The purpose is to spread informations.It includes entertainment,education,advertisement,showing the difference between reality and fantasy world.

3.How do you think TV will develop over the next twenty years?
I think it will contract with internet more closely. Now ,digital television begin to be popular,programmes from every areas have widely developed.In the next twenty years ,the TV must follow with the varying society,it should avoid to eliminated .

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Reading at home


Media literacy
In today’s multi-media society, media competence is increasingly important. A media literate society knows where to find the information it needs and how to identify the economic, political, social, commercial and cultural interests that generated it. This section of the site defines media literacy and its key principles and lists other useful sources of information.
"to appraise critically, and assess the relative value of, information from different sources, and
gain competencies in understanding the construction, forms, strengths and limitations of screen based content”

Every children develops differently.

  1. infants
  2. toddlers
  3. Pre-schoolers
  4. Primary school children
  5. Adolescents

At each of these individual stages, children’s understanding of what they watch, hear, see or compute will change .

children must be able to interpret critically;

“Perhaps the most important characteristic of critical viewing is the ability to think critically about viewing .

my thoughts:research the reason why children likes or dislikes a programme, distinguish between real life and what one watch on TV.