Sunday 7 September 2008


1 I overslept this morning. ........ , my car ran out of petrol on the way to work. (not only that)

2 The report is expected to be critical of the industry. ........, it is likely to recommend extensive changes to production. (Futhermore)

3 The witness claims to have seen the suspect at the scene of the crime. ........, the police are in possession of video evidence of the man entering the building. (Moreover)

4 ........ the wonderful main meal we also had a delicious pudding. (Besides)

5 If you're going into town could you get me some shampoo? ........, we need some more bread. (Also)

6 Payments to your account have fallen behind considerably. ........, on several occasions your credit limit has been exceeded. (moreover)

7 It was a brilliant game. ........, we didn't have to pay to get in! (what's more)

8 The meeting concluded without any agreement being reached. ........, several further issues arose. (_in additon)

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